Workstation Industries Blog

The Best Phenolic Resin Suppliers Do This

Written by Albert Cappello | Feb 28, 2020 2:21:33 AM

Finding the best supplier for your phenolic resin countertops is key to getting a product that is both durable and long-lasting. 

That’s important, especially in environments where a countertop material can impact several aspects of the work conducted in that space, from its ability to withstand harsh conditions to whether it assists technicians with meeting quality standards.

When contamination is a concern, phenolic resin is a popular choice for laboratory work surfaces. Phenolic resin countertops are constructed by layering natural kraft papers that are saturated with phenolic resin and processed under high heat. This process forms a composite panel that is lightweight, hard and durable.

This process makes phenolic resin an extremely useful material in laboratory settings or environments where avoiding contamination is a priority. Phenolic resin is:

  • Highly bacterial resistant
  • Highly chemical resistant
  • Highly moisture resistant
  • Highly fungal resistant 
  • Highly moisture resistant
  • Moderately to highly corrosion resistant
  • Safe to use during continuous heat exposure up to 350 degrees F

A supplier should be your partner in choosing the right material for your application. However, finding the right partner who is just as invested as you are in ensuring all your needs are met isn’t always easy.

When comparing suppliers, keep these tips in mind. The best phenolic resin suppliers do this:


They Offer Customization


Phenolic resin is an easy material to work with from a manufacturing standpoint. Because of this, phenolic resin lends itself to customization and is much less expensive to customize compared to other materials used in laboratory settings. 

Colors, edge designs, cuts and features in the countertops such as cutouts for data and electrical can all be customizable options. 


They Meet Your Timeline


Often, projects will have their own parameters that impact the design of a space. Budget, specifications and location all play a significant role in how quickly you can receive your order.

Phenolic resin is a readily available material, so there are few reasons why any phenolic resin supplier should not be able to meet your project timeline. 

Even when customizing your countertops, lead times are shorter than several other materials, such as epoxy resin, that are used in environments that must maintain high cleanliness standards. 


They Offer Extensive Knowledge And Experience


There are many factors that should be considered when deciding which lab work surface works best for your environment. Sometimes, multiple materials may work for your applications. Other times, only one makes the most sense. 

Experienced suppliers have seen these materials in action and have gained extensive knowledge in the field to help them determine not only which of the top 5 materials is best for your current needs, but your future needs as well.  

The best suppliers know your needs may change over time and will help determine whether phenolic resin is the best choice for future possible uses as well. 

Suppliers should also be knowledgeable in the requirements of several different environments, including clean rooms that must meet certain classification standards. Countertop materials play an important role in maintaining these cleanliness standards, and a phenolic resin expert should be able to determine whether the use of phenolic resin meets the standards required for your company’s work.


They Offer The Highest Quality Manufacturing


Purchasing a high-quality product will help ensure it is a sound investment. American manufactured products have an excellent reputation for being made according to higher standards. 

When evaluating phenolic resin suppliers, be aware that by purchasing cheaply made imported countertops, you run the risk of subjecting yourself to lower quality products. Not only may these products not last as long, they can end up costing you more in the long run in replacement costs. They can have a negative impact on the quality of the products you produce or the tests you administer if they cannot withstand the conditions of your space. 

To ensure your supplier is providing the highest quality product, ask the supplier how the phenolic resin countertops are made and the standards that are used to manufacture the product.

Never be afraid to ask for references from other companies that have installed phenolic resin countertops in their facilities. You may even be able to look at the countertops on site at the location of one of the supplier’s existing customers. 


They Value You As A Partner


Often, your experience with a supplier is just as important as the product itself. Choose a phenolic resin supplier that will make your ideas come to life, meet your timeline, offer extensive experience, and most important, offer the highest quality of both product and customer service available.

Do you need help deciding whether phenolic resin countertops are right for your laboratory or manufacturing space? Our article, Phenolic Resin Price: Deal Or No Deal?, explores why this material is ideal for labs, whether it is a good long-term investment and why it is one of the best deals on the market.