Workstation Industries Blog

Top 10 Laboratory Meme's For April Fools Day

Written by Albert Cappello | Apr 1, 2017 4:00:00 PM

 All work and no play... well you know the rest.

We all know the lab is a serious place. Not exactly your warm and fuzzy environment to have some fun. So we thought we would change it up a little and put together the top 10 laboratory meme's to lighten things up a bit.


#10 - Evil Little Genius


#9 - The Rookie


#8 - Legitimate Research Facility


#7 - Your Boss When You Don't Follow Instructions


#6 - EHS Manager


#5 - Sheldon - Need We Say More


#4 - Fridays in the Lab


#3 - What Separates The Men From The Boys



#2 - When Maintenence Is Not Available



#1 - Now That's A Fire


Happy April Fool's Day!!